Expand Your Life and Learn How to Love Two+ Plants at Once

Communal gardening is a lifelong pursuit, and one in which every gardener can continually expand their understanding.

Listen to Your Heart.

It’s normal for your heart to yearn for more than one plant and for you to find great satisfaction with many plants. The question is: how can you make this rewarding for everyone?

One plant is great, and you should not feel compelled to have more plants if you aren’t interested. Enjoy your plant and know that it is enough for you.

By completely controlling the circumstances around your one plant, you will have no one to blame but yourself if it develops any imperfections. Remember that if your one plant proves to be a loser, you can replace it easily.

Find Your Balance.

Working with many plants means making time for each one, which you can do on different days and in different ways. Sensitivity is key.

Focus on each specific plant, addressing it the way you would like. If it sticks around and acts happy, you’re doing something right. You’ll learn to dial in your practices over time by remembering its unique responses and kissing it gently.

What's Your Problem?

Think about it. If you were to parent only one plant, there would simply not be enough plants. If everyone did that, there would really just be one plant per person. Do you think that is enough?

Or Sum Your Own Score

< 4: Congratulations, you’ve got a green thumb already!

> 4: Don’t feel bad, just try harder out there!

What Happy Plant Owners are Saying

It's All Up to You.

Many plants do better in groups, and you can save a lot of time on upkeep by providing quality nutrients, regular watering, and caring attention to several plants, learning from each one.

Historical humans always took care of multiple plants at once, using what they called “gardens” or “farms”, which are legendary.

Be Careful to Avoid These 8 Vibe-Killers with Your Plants

  1. Comparing
  2. Listing
  3. Neglecting
  4. Boasting About
  5. Forced Hangouts
  6. Sacrificing Quality Time
  7. Not Threading on Slack
  8. Weak Offers